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11:53 a.m. - 2007-01-24
I Feel You
I feel your heart
and I wonder how I
can make it lighter
how I can fix it
so that only your smile remains

I want to free you
from the bonds of uncertainty
and aid you in your ascension
to positivity and peace
I want you to be ok
and I want to help you get there

so much confusion
has to be disconcerting
even for you ... so used to being

I feel your desire
to know what is weighing you down
but I feel your unspoken need
to avoid it ... just a little longer

I feel you wanting to rest
in the grayness of confusion
because anything else would be
taxing on your spirit
and draining to your emotions

so I watch and I wait
patiently and not so quietly
as I utter the words
your spirit speaks to me
and I whisper back assurance
that you really will be ok

and I love you
through all things
in all ways ... I love you

so take your time
marinate and meditate
on that which has no name
... for now
and know that when you are
ready to know
and ready to understand

I'll be there ...


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