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11:52 a.m. - 2007-01-24
Can I?
Can I?

Can I slip into your mind
and rewrite your memories
can I fill them up with laughter
and very little unhappiness

Can I slip into your mouth
and be the words you utter
to soothe and ease and complete
your troubled spirit

Can I slip into your hand
be the thing that touches your face
when you feel tears forming
wiping them and the pain away

Can I slip into your heart
and slow it down to normal
when you find yourself in the line of fire
from yet another emotional onslaught

Can I slip into your spirit
and whisper sweet absolutions
to bring you peace
in the midst of an unpeaceful moment

Can I slip into your soul
and be a reflection of it's true identity
changing it's self-image
and rewriting your sense of being

Can I slip into your back
and be the rod that stands straight
never showing a sign of weakness
when the world lands on your shoulders

Angel ... Can I
so that you Can
and then I can
so that We are


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