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8:37 p.m. - 2002-08-05

When I close my eyes I see you looking at me

With admiration, need, and love tucked away behind the shine in your gaze.

I see past the hurts and disappointments the world has given you.

I see past the misconceptions and malformed perceptions that have somehow fallen in your path.

Have you ever seen a black woman in black clothes with black gloves and black shades stand behind black curtains in a black room with black carpet�hold a ray of sunshine up to her face and kiss it? It�s beautiful.

She accepts her darkness, but welcomes the light.

I see that in you.

I see hopes and dreams that have been placed on the very top shelf and you�re trying to reach them.

You have to tiptoe to even get a glimpse, but you know you�ll grow tall enough one day.

I see you never take your eyes away from the top shelf.

I see a woman in you that loves and needs to be loved 100%�

I see your crystal clear soul reflecting an orange glow�

I In you. A viable part of you.


I looked into you and saw US.

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