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8:39 p.m. - 2002-08-05

Wandering along the dried up sea shore

Kicking fragile sea shells

Is where you can find me when

You call my name and I don�t answer

I�m stuck. Lost in a land of

Pure Fallacy.

I�m walking barefoot down a long dusty road

Picking strawberries in solitude ... Pondering

Why it is that birds have wings and

We don�t.

When you call my name and I don�t answer, you

Should probably know I�m looking

Out over the city at night from the top

Of the highest skyscraper. The clouds tickle my nose as I

Pick a star out of the sky for closer inspection. It melts in my hand.

If you can�t seem to find me anywhere just know I�m lost�

In the arms of my lover. She sends me on far away mind journeys through time and space�and all she has to do is�


And suddenly a jar of butterflies has been overturned in my belly�and rainbow rays are shooting through my body�

She is the epitome of happiness and love�

And I see her wisdom as far reaching and omnipotent.

She is almost as mentally astounding as a deity�

Resting in her plethora of light.

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