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11:01 a.m. - 2007-01-31
I'm Here
so blinded by your battle
you can't see me standing here
beside you and ready to take up arms
in this battle for your soul

see I know your true worth
I know that you are God's gift to man
and I will stand before you
and suffer in place of you
to ensure that you are protected

I know it's hard to see me
through the haze of pain you carry
but I vow to you that this is
momentarily temporary
and that the battle is already won

I love you
with the purity of God's blessings
I love you
and I will walk through hell
on hot coals, back bent
I will face down satan
and dare him to come after you again

there is nothing in the world
that I wouldn't do to keep you safe
but I know you can't see that
because your eyes aren't focused
on the reality of the current times
but on the memories of all the battles
you had to face and survive alone

but I'm telling you Angel
I am here ...
and from the day we met
I am yours ...
so please allow me
to wash you in the divinity
of a love that can heal all wounds
and dim all painful memories
and wrap you in the perfection
of new beginnings and peace

I don't want to negate your reality
only show you that it is tainted
with the blood and pain
of so many things
and uncountable losses
you've managed to survive
from your innocence to your protector
you found a way to stand strong
but you are weary now, I see it
and I am here to shore up your
defenses ... to monitor the perimeters
so that you can rest in the reality
of We

He sent me to you Angel
as a reward for your unwavering faith
as a help mate
through the rest of your battles
as the soul mate that hears clearly
what your bruised spirit and war torn soul
can't bear to speak ... aloud

but I hear you
and I have an answer
but you have to trust that He makes no mistakes
and you have to allow me to be your strength
because when I ask you how you are feeling
I really do want to hear every word
and even when you can't speak a word
my spirit hears yours ... and it answers
because you are more than my Angel
you are His child
created in His image and for His good
as am I ... as are ... We


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